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Our Target Customers

Our Target Customer

Military MREs

Our shelf-stable meats simplify logistics, enhance troop morale with nutritious meals, and ensure readiness with long-lasting, refrigeration-free storage. 

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Our technology delivers cost-efficient, shelf-stable meats, maintaining nutrition and flavor without refrigeration, ideal for high-margin, portable snacks.

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For food banks, our shelf-stable meats reduce storage costs and ensure reliable, nutritious food supplies without needing refrigeration.

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In disaster response, our technology ensures easily transportable, nutritious meats that don’t require refrigeration, providing quick and effective food supplies.

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Perfect for campers and hikers, EverTender’s meats are lightweight, portable, and tasty, offering nutritious meals without the need for refrigeration.

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Ideal for survivalists, our shelf-stable meats guarantee long-lasting, reliable food supplies that maintain nutrition without refrigeration.

Grilled baked roasted cooked fresh fish Salmon on the plate, very delisious, juicy, macro,
Grilled baked roasted cooked fresh fish Salmon on the plate, very delisious, juicy, macro,

The Customer Comes First

Contact us with your application requirements.  We will custom create your protein in any form.

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